U.S Vets: Outside the Wire

Orange Coast College supports our veteran students, and we embrace the fact that veterans bring unique life experiences that are often different from the general student population. These experiences establish a foundation for success, but they have the potential for making it difficult for veteran students to assimilate into traditional college life.

The U.S. Vets Outside the Wire is an on-campus resource aimed at supporting Orange Coast College veteran and veteran dependent students to make a smooth transition from military service to college life. OCC partners with veteran clinicians from Orange County Behavioral Health Services Agency to assist our veteran students with tackling some of the challenges they may encounter while balancing the conflicting priorities of home, work, and school. Services provided may include, but are not limited to:

  • Safe, supportive, and confidential group discussions to identify, explore, an overcome roadblocks that may hinder success.
  • Materials, information, resources, referrals, and individual assistance to make the transition to civilian life more productive.
  • Professional one-on-one counseling with a seasoned and qualified veteran counselor to assist with unique problems, readjustment struggles, transitional obstacles, personal issues, family matters, and other situations.


U.S. VETS: Outside the Wire Website

Location & Contacts


*Hours are subject to change


Stephen Myers
Case Manager
Cell: 213-660-5311
Cory Cravalho
OTW Therapist,
Cell: 213-518-0646


Case Manager- Veterans Resource Center SU 203C
OTW Therapist- Student Health Center, Rm. 122



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