Free Fentanyl Test Strips and Narcan Available for Students at the Student Health Center
As part of our commitment to opioid overdose prevention, OCC Student Health continues to provide Opioid Overdose Harm Reduction Kits for students. These kits include fentanyl test strips, a box with two doses of Narcan (brand name for the generic medication Naloxone), substance abuse resource information, and pamphlets on fentanyl risks, opioid misuse and overdose, Narcan information and training. These kits are available at no cost to students.
Opioid Overdose Harm Reduction Kits are available at the Student Health Center front desk during business hours. If you need substance abuse resources or help with addiction, please call 714-714-7715 to speak confidentially with one of our mental health providers, or 714-714-7705 to speak with a registered nurse.
Helping a Friend with a Drug Problem
Look for signs of addiction such as changes in appearance (sudden weight loss or gain, needle marks, frequent nose bleeds, lack of hygiene) and behavior (extreme mood changes, risky activities, isolation, neglecting responsibilities).
Encourage your friend to seek professional help for addiction and medical detox
If your friend is misusing opioids, get Narcan, a medication used to treat an opioid overdose. If you suspect an opioid overdose, call 911 and administer Narcan.
Signs of an opioid overdose include:
- Unresponsiveness or unconscious.
- Slow, shallow, or stopped breathing.
- Small, constricted, pinpoint pupils.
- Vomiting or making choking sounds.
- Pale, cold, or clammy skin.
- Blue, purple, or grayish fingernails, lips, or skin.
- Limp body.
- Slowed or absent pulse.
- Follow B-L-U-E if you think someone is having an overdose:
B – Breathing is shallow or absent.
L – Lips are pale, blue, or purple.
U – Unresponsive to verbal & physical stimuli.
E – Needs immediate emergency care.
Reducing Harm if you use Drugs
- Do not use drugs alone.
- Always carry Narcan (Naloxone), keep in an easily accessible place, and ensure friends and family know where and how to use it.
- Have a plan with others every time you use in case of an overdose.
- Test your drugs for fentanyl with fentanyl test strips.
- Do not mix drugs or use with alcohol.
- Use sterile syringes when injecting drugs.
- Find treatment and support.
Substance Abuse Resources
- Fentanyl is Forever: Orange County Resources
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline: 800-662-HELP (4357). Substance abuse treatment & information.
- Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: Call or text 988
- Find a Treatment Facility: 833-888-1553
- Crisis Text Line: Text “HOME” to 741741. Free 24/7 support
- Choose Change California: Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) to treat Opioid Use Disorder (OUD).
- Orange County Mental Health & Recovery Services: 855-625-4657 24/7 support.
- Be Well OC: 949-749-2500 Mental health & substance use disorders support & treatment.
- Smart Recovery: Online or in-person addiction recovery support meetings for addictive behaviors.
- OCC Student Health Center
- Mental Health Short-Term Therapy: 714-714-7715
- Medical Care, Consults & Referrals: 714-714-7705
- OCC Campus Safety: 714-432-5017 Safety & legal concerns.
- Narcotics Anonymous Orange County: 714-590-2388 24-Hour Helpline. Group support meetings.
- Alcoholics Anonymous Orange County: Santa Ana: 714-556-4555 Group support meetings.
Accessing Naloxone/Narcan in California
- Mail-based Free Naloxone: Contact NEXT Distro online
- Orange County Naloxone Training and Distribution Locations
- National Harm Reduction Coalition
- Pharmacy: No prescription needed, but call to ask if they have it in stock & the cost.
- Medi-Cal, Medicare & many insurance plans will cover naloxone with a doctor’s prescription. Check with your insurance.
What Is Naloxone or Narcan?
Naloxone is a life-saving medication used to reverse an opioid overdose, including heroin, fentanyl and prescription opioid medications. Naloxone works by blocking the receptors that opioids bind to restoring breathing. Naloxone comes in two forms, an injectable and a nasal spray. Narcan is one brand name for the generic medication naloxone. Narcan is a safe, effective and easy to administer nasal spray.
Health Risks Associated with Substance Abuse
Alcohol or other drugs used in excess over time can cause illness, disability and death. The health consequences of substance abuse may be immediate and unpredictable, such as liver deterioration associated with the prolonged use of alcohol. The use or abuse of alcohol and other drugs increases the risk for a number of health-related and other medical, behavioral and social problems.
- Regular users of alcohol and other drugs often have erratic lifestyles which interfere with sleep, nutrition, and exercise, impacting school and job performance.
- Health problems include hangovers, blackouts, motor vehicle accidents, injuries, general fatigue, impaired learning, dependency, disability, and death.
- Personal problems include diminished self-esteem, deterioration of the family structure, domestic violence, alienation from reality, anxiety, depression and suicide.
- Social problems include loss of friends, academic standing, or co- and extracurricular opportunities, alienation from and abuse of family members, and chronic conflict with authority.
- Economic problems include financial difficulties such as loss of job, loss of education aid eligibility, homes, savings, and other assets.
- Legal problems include loss of driver's license, limitations on career choices, fines, and jail sentences.
- Repeated us of alcohol and other drugs can lead to dependence.
- Alcohol and drug abuse, addiction and dependency are behavioral/medical problems.
Treatment & Rehabilitation
Although substance abuse is a serious problem that can affect your academic, personal, and professional life, it is also a treatable problem. Resources are available to provide you with the help you or a friend may need. OCC students and employees are encouraged to seek immediate help through any of the following resources.
Students can seek help through the Student Health Center. Student Health Center mental health and medical professionals provide assistance for students with alcohol or drug problems including crisis intervention, education, and/or referral.
Employees of the District will be referred to take part in drug and alcohol counseling, treatment, and rehabilitation programs. The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a confidential assistance and support program for employees in crisis. District employees may also access inpatient and outpatient counseling and treatment programs currently offered through the employee's medical provider. Paid leave is available for employees to attend inpatient or outpatient drug or alcohol programs.
Students and staff may be referred to groups or agencies such as the following:
- Shatterproof Atlas Treatment Finder
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- Narcotics Anonymous
- Co-Dependents Anonymous
- Other appropriate self-help groups
- Alcohol counselor on County regional mental health team
- Private treatment agencies
OCC Staff Resources
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides 24/7 free, confidential help and can get you connected to the support and referral services you need. Additionally, EAP services are available to you and your household members at no cost. Call (800) 273-5273, email or visit
Vice President, Student Services: Madjid Niroumand (714) 432-5765
Community Resources
Turning Point Center for Families Adult counseling groups for substance abuse, alcohol, anger management and domestic violence. Sliding scale fees for individual therapy. Services are available in English, Spanish, and Farsi.(714) 547-8111. 3151 Airway Ave F-206A, Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Mariposa Women & Family Center Provides outpatient counseling for women with alcohol and drug related concerns. Fees are based on income and family size. Individual counseling is available in Spanish.(714) 547-6494. 812 W. Town and Country Rd., Orange, CA 92868
SMART Recovery A science-based addiction recovery support group (face-to-face and online) where participants learn self-empowering techniques to aid their recovery.
OCC Drug Prevention Strategies
OCC offers a wide variety of educational opportunities to its students, employees and the community which address alcohol and other drug-related issues. This includes campus-wide awareness activities, workshops, films/videos, lectures, and online tools.
Naloxone Distribution Program (NDP): Orange Coast College Student Health is participating in the Naloxone Distribution Project (NDP). The NDP is funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and administered by the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) to combat opioid overdose-related deaths throughout California. The NDP aims to address the opioid crisis by reducing opioid overdose deaths through the provision of free NARCAN®. NARCAN® is a life-saving medication used for the treatment of an opioid emergency such as an overdose or a possible opioid overdose. NARCAN® Nasal Spray is to be given right away and does not take the place of emergency medical care. Orange Coast College Student Health is eligible to receive free NARCAN® through our Medical Director's order. Campus Safety first responders and Student Health medical staff have NARCAN® available for opioid overdose emergencies. NARCAN® is included in our opioid overdose harm reduction kits available for students at the front desk of the Student Health Center.
Peer Health Educator program host on-campus outreach activities to increase awareness of the negative effects of alcohol consumption and promote healthy decisions surrounding alcohol use. The Peer Health Educators engage fellow students in the "Fatal Vision Goggles Challenge," in which students wear simulation goggles that alter vision and perception to experience how alcohol can greatly impair balance, vision, reaction time and judgment. Students also learn about the dangers of binge drinking and the definition of a standard drink through the Peer Health Educators' activity "The Pour Game," in which students are asked to make and measure a standard drink of various types of popular alcoholic beverages using water. Impaired driving prevention is addressed with the "DD Red Cup Pledge", in which the Peer Health Educators ask fellow students to sign a pledge on a red cup representing their commitment to the role of being a sober designated driver. These activities are conducted by the Peer Health Educators with target dates close to holidays and occasions in which alcohol is often viewed to play a large role in festivities (i.e. Halloween).
Community Partnerships:
Waymakers Project PATH: Orange Coast College Student Health and Waymakers Project PATH have worked collaboratively since 2013 to bring impaired driving prevention education to the campus community. Waymakers Project Path conducts their educational presentations in various Orange Coast College courses on the dangers of impaired driving with alcohol, marijuana, prescription medications and illegal drugs. In 2013, the Peer Health Educators worked with Waymakers Project PATH to develop and implement the "I am OCC. I was the Designated Driver" campus-wide media campaign. Posters from this campaign remain displayed in classrooms and in various high-traffic areas on campus for key messaging on DUI awareness. The Peer Health Educators also work with Waymakers Project PATH and lead a project that recognizes local law enforcement for their commitment to reducing impaired driving in Costa Mesa.
The RADD California Coalition (RCC): Orange Coast College Student Health is in partnership with RCC for the "College is RADD" DUI Awareness Project. The Peer Health Educators promote the use of a designated driver, calling a cab/friend or taking public transportation through RADD's "Plan Ahead! Friends Don't Let Friends Drive Drunk… Do You?" messaging and the "RADD Rewards" program, a program in which local bars and restaurants provide free sodas and food to students who serve as the designated driver for their friends.
Drug Free Environment and Drug Prevention Program
Board Policies
It is the intention of the District to provide an environment that maximizes academic achievement and personal growth. The District recognizes that alcohol and other drug use or abuse pose a significant threat to the health, safety, and well-being of users and the people around them. Substance abuse also interferes with academic, co-curricular, and extracurricular interests and can lead to health, personal, social, economic, and legal problems.
Alcohol and drug abuse, addiction, and dependency, are behavioral/medical problems. Because the District's primary intent is to be helpful, not punitive, programs have been developed to deter alcohol and other drug abuse. First, education is provided about alcohol and other drug-related hazards and associated problems. Second, a program of assistance and referral is available to aid individuals who are experiencing alcohol and other drug-related problems. And, third, disciplinary procedures are applied to uphold the District policy regarding alcohol and other drug use.
In compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989, students and employees of the Coast Community College District are notified of the standards, possible sanctions, and health risks associated with alcohol and drug abuse, as well as the programs available to students, staff, and faculty.
Related Board Policies and Administrative Regulations are available here:
For violations of these standards of conduct, the College will impose disciplinary sanctions on students up to and including expulsion, and on employees up to including termination of employment, in addition to possible referral for prosecution, pursuant to law, District policies and regulations, and applicable collective bargaining agreements.
Standards of Conduct for Students & Employees
The District shall be free from all unlawful drugs and from the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of alcohol and illicit drugs by students and employees.
The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited on District property; during District-sponsored field trips, activities, or workshops; and in any facility or vehicle operated by the District.
The possession, sale, or furnishing of alcohol on campus is governed by California state law and this Policy. The possession, sale, consumption or furnishing of alcohol is controlled by the California Department of Alcohol and Beverage Control.
However, the enforcement of alcohol laws on college premises is the primary responsibility of the Campus Public Safety Department. Each college within the District and the District Office have been designated "Drug free," and only under certain circumstances is the consumption of alcohol permitted.
It is unlawful to sell, furnish or provide alcohol to a person under the age of 21. The possession of alcohol by anyone under 21 years of age in a public place or a place open to the public is illegal. It is also a violation of this policy for anyone to consume or possess alcohol at any District facility without prior District approval.
Organizations or groups violating alcohol or substance policies or laws may be subject to sanctions by the District.
In addition to this policy, AP 5500 Student Code of Conduct (which applies to all District students) clearly prohibits the unlawful possession, use or distribution of alcohol or illicit drugs on District property or as part of any District or College activity.
Legal Sanctions
The Federal Controlled Substance Act, 21 U.S.C. §§ 801 et seq, proscribes federal penalties and sanctions for illegal trafficking and possession of a controlled substance.
Federal law has set 21 as the minimum age to purchase or possess any alcoholic beverages. Specific ordinances regarding violations of alcohol laws, including driving while intoxicated, are available from the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC). State laws pertaining to the possession, use and distribution of alcohol and illicit drugs are available in the California Health & Safety Code (California Uniform Controlled Substances Act, Health & Safety Code §§ 11000 et seq) and the California Business and Professions Code. A summary of pertinent laws and associated penalties/sanctions is included in AP 3550.
The following are criminal penalties for unlawful possession of controlled substances:
Under California state law, possession of any amount of certain controlled substances is punishable by up to one year of incarceration in a county jail, pursuant to Sections 11054 and 11350 of the Health & Safety Code. Unlawful possession of marijuana or cannabis is punishable based upon the amount involved, ranging up to a fine of $500 and six months of incarceration in a county jail, pursuant to Section 11357 of the Health & Safety Code.
Under federal law, possession of a "controlled substance" is punishable of up to three years imprisonment, pursuant to 21 U.S.C. §§ 802 and 844(a).
The following are criminal penalties for unlawful distribution of controlled substances:
Under California law, the sale of, or purchase with the intent to sell, certain controlled substances is punishable by up to four years of incarceration, pursuant to Section 11351 of the Health & Safety Code. The sale of, or purchase with the intent to sell, marijuana, is punishable by a term of imprisonment in a county jail of up to three years, pursuant to Section 11359 of the Health & Safety Code and Section 1170(h) of the Penal Code.
Under federal law, the penalties for unlawful distribution of controlled substances is complex. Please view the summary of penalties.
Distribution of Policy
This policy has been adopted to meet the minimum requirements of the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989 (DFSCA) for all colleges in the District. The District distributes annually to each student and each employee the information required by the DFSCA and complies with other requirements of the Act.
Review of Policy
The District will perform a biennial review of its alcohol and drug prevention program and retain the records of that review in accordance with the U.S. Department of Education requirements.
For More Information
For more information concerning this policy, contact the Vice President of Student Services Office, (714) 432-5765.