• Students choosing to utilize their pre-approved testing accommodations must first notify their instructor of their accommodations via Accommodation Letter. After your instructor has been notified, it is then the student's responsibility to complete an online Alternate Test Request form to take their exams in the ARC office. All exams must be scheduled at least seven days in advance. We strongly encourage you to schedule all your exams at the beginning of the semester.
• Students choosing to utilize their notetaking accommodation must first notify their instructor of their accommodations via their Accommodation Letter. The student will then discuss with their instructor how they are able to provide or assist them with receiving this accommodation. This is especially important, as the instructor might already provide lecture notes on Canvas, or they can assist DSPS with finding a volunteer notetaker in their class. Once the student has communicated with their instructor, then they must complete an online Alternate Notes Request form. ARC will then email the students in the whole class in search of a volunteer notetaker.
• Once a notetaking volunteer has been secured in your class, ARC will email you a link to access our ARC Notes Google Drive. It is each student's responsibility to notify ARC and/or the ARC Test/Note Taking Coordinator Amy Mendoza at amendoza179@occ.cccd.edu if you have not received notes within 2 weeks of submitting your request form.
Requesting to Test in the ARC Testing Office
1) The ARC student must submit their official ARC Accommodation Letter to their instructor and have a collaborative conversation about the accommodations they plan to utilize in their course.
2) To schedule an ARC testing appointment, the student must submit an online ARC Test-Taking Accommodation Request Form, at least 7 days in advance from the testing date. Students must complete testing within ARC testing hours.
3) Students should remind their instructor of their testing appointment closer to the exam date and are encouraged to schedule their exams for the semester in advance.
Notetaking Assistance: Requesting a Peer Notetaker
1.) The ARC student must submit their official ARC Accommodation Letter to their instructor and have a collaborative conversation about the accommodations they plan to utilize in their course. The student should discuss with the instructor their need for notes and what resources will be accessible to students (ex: lecture recordings, lecture slides, handouts etc.)
2.) If notetaking assistance is still needed, the ARC student must submit an online ARC-Notetaking Assistance Accommodation Request Form. ARC will then initiate a search seeking a Peer Notetaker within the class.
3.) Once a Peer Notetaker and their notes have been secured, a Google-Drive invitation email will be sent to the ARC student’s email providing electronic access to the notes for the semester.
4.) If you have not received access to notes within 2 weeks of submitting the request form, it is a student responsibility to notify the ARC Notes office by emailing ARCnotes@cccd.edu