Aviation Science

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A degree in Aviation Science from Orange Coast College is guaranteed to take you places. OCC’s program prepares students to become professional pilots or flight operations specialists. The program can be tailored to meet the needs of individual students and is designed for students without any flying experience.

The Aviation Science program provides a practical, supportive environment to start your professional pilot career. You’ll have the opportunity to earn a commercial pilot certificate and a flight instructor certificate for fixed wing aircraft, while also earning an Associate of Science degree in Aviation Science.

Contact Us

Technology 160

Office Hours

Dr. Stanley Harriman
Program Coordinator
Mon and Wed, 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Sat & Sun, Closed

Career options are versatile. Opportunities exist as:

  • corporate pilots for executive transport; 
  • pilots for government agencies, law enforcement and emergency transport; 
  • technicians and managers for flight line operations and logistics; and 
  • pilots to meet the current hiring demand for commuter and airline operations. 

It takes between 18 and 24 months to complete an Associates of Science degree in Aviation Science. A student seeking a career as a professional pilot would progress through the aviation pilot training curriculum to earn a commercial pilot certificate. Once the commercial pilot certificate has been earned, the student is able to fly, for hire, with commuter or charter companies in order to build experience needed for airline opportunities. Commercial pilot certificate holders may also choose to undergo additional training to become a certified flight instructor. 

Non-degree seeking students, such as individuals who only need to use an aircraft for personal transportation or business travels, may select individual Certificates of Specializations appropriate to their needs. Each Certificate​ of Specialization is designed to be completed within one academic semester. ​​​


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